Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What Social Media Sites do you use everyday?

Every morning when I wake up, after hitting snooze about five times of course, I always get on my phone and check Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Why do I do this?  Honestly, by now it's turned into a nasty habit.  It's not like the world changed overnight.  When I'm trying to put off something or bored, I've noticed I always grab my phone and look at those three social media sites, like clockwork.

This got me to thinking...If I check Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram almost always simultaneously, what social media sites does everyone else use on a daily basis?  Obviously, I took to my Facebook and Twitter to get my answer. Below is my post from Facebook:

To my surprise, I received an overwhelming amount of responses...well, not overwhelming, I have just always wanted to use that in a sentence, you know, to sound important.  However, I did compile 55 responses. The results are as follows:



1. Twitter  

Are you surprised?  According to Nielsen, Twitter users send 500 million tweets each day and 60 percent are accessing the network via mobile device.  For the longest time, I thought Twitter was stupid, but when I got to college, I too hopped on the bandwagon.  Since then, I've found Twitter to be one of my favorite forms of social media.  

I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but on Twitter, I feel like I am able to express myself more freely and people just get it.  With 27 votes from my little "survey," Twitter is the top dog, however, across the nation, Facebook is still the front runner.  

2. Facebook

The runner-up is Facebook with 23 votes.  The funny thing is, 50 of the responses came from Facebook, yet people voted other than Facebook.  I love Facebook for creeping purposes, but I'm going to be honest, I'm not as active as I once was on it.  Yes, I still use it daily, but I'm not going to make daily statuses like I do daily tweets. 

According to Gigya, 79% of social media log ins by online retailers are with Facebook and it also accounts for 13% of worldwide mobile ad revenue in 2013.  I mean with close to a billion active users, of course Facebook, still holds its legacy worldwide. My results were also skewed, because most of the respondents were ages 19-25.  Whereas, Facebook captures such a wide age demographic.  I think Facebook will always outshine, since its pretty much the foundation of where social media took off. 

3. Instagram

With 11 votes, Instagram came in third.  Props to them.  Being a little over three years old, they have accumulated 150 million active users monthly according to Digital Marketing Ramblin (DMR).  I am personally a big fan of Instagram.  I mean, who doesn't love those filters, Throwback Thursday, and selfies on selfies.  The freedom to make a photo as beautiful or as hideous as you please is quite wonderful.  
It is also becoming a great network for businesses to expand their creativity with videos and many companies give bios of their employees.  For example, Red Frog Events, does a nifty thing called, Tadpole Tidbits.  They feature interns that work there with a short little bio, like the the one below.

4. Pinterest

Though Pinterest only had three votes, it still generates 70 million users and 80 percent of them are women according to DMR. Don't get me wrong, I love pinning things for my imaginary wedding and house that I'll never be able to afford, but I don't use it daily. Trust me, if I could I would.  The reason I don't though is because it is so endless. I literally get lost on that site for hours.  I can only update my Twitter and Facebook so many times before there's no new content, but Pinterest to me reminds me of Pi.  Yes that math equation 3.14 thing, it just goes on forever. 

What about the others?

Many rising social networks weren't even named in my survey.  Again, I think this is because of the demographic that responded, but sites like LinkedIn, Google +, YouTube, and MySpace are also on the rise. LinkedIn generates over 238 million users, but it primarily for professional networking.  Yes, I do get on my LinkedIn more often than I used to, but still not every day.  

One person happened to mention Tumblr as one of their favorites social media sites for day to day use.  I am still quite unfamiliar with Tumblr, but Digiday notes there are currently 102 million Tumblr blogs.  Quite impressive, if you ask me. 

As social media continues to grow and become integrated into our lives, we become even more frequent users. What social media sites do you use every day and do you think they'll stick around?

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